Making recycling a normal thing

Probably the largest area covered in Romania


Phone: +40 264 450 875

Administrator's Statement on « Quality, Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Policy »

REMATINVEST's mission is to become a national leader in waste collection and recycling / recovery within an Integrated Waste Management System, both in terms of performance and customer satisfaction, reducing the environmental impact of the activities, in full security conditions for the human factor.

Effective and safe use of global environmental resources contributes to the overall quality of life on our planet, both for us and especially for the next generations. The REMATINVEST Group makes its own contribution to energy conservation and environmental protection by recycling reusable materials, reintroducing them into the industrial circuit and using environment-friendly technologies.


The values on which our policy is based are both the human, material and financial resources available in the company, as well as the organizational capacity. In this context, the directions of action are very clear, aiming at:

  • Increasing the volume of processed and marketed reusable materials;
  • Increasing customer satisfaction by improving the quality of delivered products. We continually invest in production processes to be always at the forefront;
  • Increasing profitability to generate the financial resources needed to support our position in the market.

Our priorities are:

  • MANKIND, who has the right to a healthy life in an unpolluted environment;
  • QUALITY of the services offered to our clients in order to increase their satisfaction and trust;
  • ENVIRONMENT which must be protected and exploited effectively.

REMATINVEST S.R.L. has established an integrated quality, environmental, safety and health management system in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001: 2015, SR EN ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001:2018.

The objective is to maintain and continuously improve the integrated quality, environment, occupational health and safety management system in line with the requirements of the above standards.


  • Management of the integrated management system in order to increase the satisfaction of the clients;
  • Mutually beneficial partnerships with the suppliers of the company in order to increase the recycling and recovery grade of the waste;
  • Satisfying the expectations of the company's shareholders, partners and employees;
  • Investments in cutting-edge technologies dedicated to the highest possible recycling and recovery, ensuring the lowest possible consumption of natural resources and a minimum level of pollution;
  • Gradual diminution of harmful factors and physical difficulty at the company's jobs;
  • Improving and streamlining the work of employees and their active participation in the policy of society.

We ensure the understanding and implementation of "Quality, Environment and Safety and Occupational Health Policy" at all levels of the organization, by organizing specific training and by displaying this policy across all departments of the organization.

As an Administrator, I undertake to provide the organizational framework and the resources necessary to achieve and adopt the policy and objectives.

This is the Quality Policy, Environment, Health and Safety Policy Statement of the REMATINVEST Group Administrator, Eng. Liviu Ciupe.

The PDF version of the Business Policy Statement can be viewed here (in Romanian language).

Company policy

REMATINVEST has established an integrated quality, environmental, safety and health management system in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001: 2008, SR EN ISO 14001: 2005 and OHSAS 18001: 2007, system described in the Integrated Management System Manual [more]



Piața T. Cipariu Nr. 15, Bloc 3A,
Mezanin, Sp. com. 66A/66B,
400191 Cluj-Napoca, Jud. Cluj, Romania

Phone: +40 264 450 875
Fax: +40 264 450 873